Tara Henry
Tara is thrilled to join BCTC once again! You may recognize her from the BCTC staged readings Over There Outside (Abby) and Westeros Side Story (Mance Rayder/Alliser Thorny/Madam). Other shows include the Angel/Nurse Emily in Angels in America Part 1&2 (RTAA), Titus in Titus Andronicus (RTAA), Goneril in King Lear (TAAC), Fanny Dashwood/Charlotte Palmer in Sense & Sensibility (Sacramento Theater Company), Cassandra in Vanya, Sonia, Masha & Spike (Main Street Theatre Works), Mildred in The Secret Affairs of Mildred Wild (The Costa Mesa Playhouse) and both Dromios in Comedy of Errors (Sacramento Shakespeare Festival.)